911 Addresses (0)
Private Roads (1)
Roads (2)
Streams (3)
Contours (4)
Parcels (5)
Villages (6)
Towns (7)
Agriculture Districts (8)
| Ag District 1 |
| Ag District 2 |
| Ag District 3 |
| Ag District 4 |
| <all other values> |
Election Districts (9)
School Districts (10)
Town of Esperance Riparian Zone (16)
Schoharie Creek Buffer (17)
Town of Esperance Zoning (11)
Town of Middleburgh Ridgeline Overlay (14)
Town of Middleburgh Scenic Overlay (15)
Town of Middleburgh Zoning (13)
Town of Richmondville Village Water Supply Watershed (21)
Town of Richmondville Sensitive Areas (23)
Town of Richmondville Riparian Zone (20)
Town of Richmondville Zoning (22)
| (AE) - Agricultural Education |
| (C) - Commercial |
| (E) - Education |
| (H) - Hamlet |
| (MH) - Mobile Home |
| (RR) - Rural Residential |
| (WP) - Watershed Protection |
Town of Schoharie Watersheds (43)
| Barton Hill Watershed |
| Central Bridge Watershed |
Town of Schoharie Zoning (42)
| Commercial District |
| Hamlet District |
| Industrial District |
| Planned Development |
| Rural-Agricultural District |
| Village of Schoharie |
Town of Sharon (47)
Town of Seward Zoning (41)
vCobleskill_HistoricAreas (56)
vCobleskill_Zoning (55)
| CB |
| CI |
| FG |
| GB |
| LC |
| MU1 |
| MU2 |
| P |
| RR |
| R1 |
| R3 |
| RMF |
| VG |
Village of Esperance Zoning (12)
| Main Street Mixed |
| Public |
| Residential - Conservation |
| Residential - Village |
| Residential - Mixed |
Village of Middleburgh Zoning (58)
Village of Richmondville Sensitive Areas (26)
Village of Richmondville Riparian Zone (24)
Village of Richmondville Zoning (25)
Village of Schoharie Historic Overlay (49)
Village of Schoharie Multi-Family Mixed Use Overlay (52)
Village of Schoharie Zoning (51)
| A - Agriculture |
| C - Commercial |
| CBD - Central Business District |
| F/A - Floodway/Agriculture |
| I - Industrial |
| P - Park |
| R - Residential |
| PDA-SCA - Planned Development Area, Senior Citizen Residential |
| W - Waterfront |
Village of Sharon Springs Zoning (30)
| C-B Commercial-Business |
| C-LI Commercial-Light Industrial |
| M-S Main Street |
| O-S Open Space |
| R Residential |
| R-T Residential-Transition |
| PDD Planned Development District |